Idea Generation for New Products
There are several possible ways in which the Georgia Pacific may generate new commercial product ideas. In this article we outline some of the ways in which great ideas for new products can be obtained at a low cost
Creative Ideas class
Georgia Pacific may sponsor an idea related class in entrepreneurship school such as in Wichita state University where its parent company Koch is located. Just by sponsoring one class with a less than a 10,000 dollars it can get valuable ideas from students and participating students.
Hire a professional idea team
Another way to generate workable ideas for new commercial ideas may come if they independent company which is known for developing ideas. The professional teams are very capable and they present the new ideas after critically analyzing the companies past and future prospects. It may also help by generating the projected profits from each of the idea and the resources required.
Ask the public in large events
Asking the public and seek their opinion can be the best bet for Georgia Pacific to know that what kind of products people want this can be help by using poll on its website as well as by starting a prize scheme to send suggestions
Survey by providing a few choices
One of the best maybe to ask people to comment on their products and participate in a survey and in that particular survey by asking them to fill out a particular column that where they would like to Georgia Pacific to be, this is recommended because Georgia Pacific is involved in my philanthropic activities and has a large number of presence in public events.
Presented above are some of the comprehensive ways to generate ideas for new products for Georgia Pacific.
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