Career Development Drawing Together Sales Personnel after a Merger
As a result of the recent merger between InterClean and EnviroTech companies, the company has taken on a new strategic direction. The company will no longer sell only cleaning products, but will also provide full service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. As a midlevel sales manager, it is my responsibility to select new members for my sales team and create a development plan to help my team succeed with the companys new strategy. The merger has brought together people who are familiar with performing similar yet markedly different sales techniques. Although both companies were engaged in the cleaning industries, InterClean sales professionals are much more familiar with various cleaning products, while EnviroTech sales professionals are much more familiar with the diverse range of cleaning services. By drawing on the talents of the professional salespeople of InterClean, who were able to successfully sell cleaning products, and the talents of the professional salespeople of EnviroTech, who were able to successfully sell full service cleaning to health care organizations, it is my responsibility to merge the knowledge base and goals into one comprehensive sales workforce system.
Workforce Planning System
The workforce planning system entails drawing together professionals from both companies to work together to make comprehensive cleaning product and service packages for sale to various industries. It is my aim to bring together professionals from both companies to brainstorm the ways in which we can merge our existing skills to create new sales ideas and initiatives for entering new markets. One of the basic ideas of the merger was to incorporate cleaning products and cleaning services into unique packages for sale to industries requiring high quality cleaning supplies and cleaning personnel from our company. In bringing together sales associates from both companies, compiling the sales knowledge of both spheres of business in regard to cleaning products and cleaning services sales expertise, there will be a marked increase in ability of the company to market high quality and comprehensive cleaning packages to various industries. The development plan of the company should focus on maximizing cleaning product sales in conjunction with cleaning services within a broad range of industries, including health care organizations. While the company is glad to have associates who are familiar with sales of cleaning services to health care organizations, the new goal is to be open to entering new markets and providing cleaning products and services to a wide range of industries. It is essential for equal numbers of highly accomplished sales personnel from both companies to work together in formulating a new plan for marketing cleaning products and services to diverse organizations.
Selection Method Advantages and Disadvantages
In selecting sales personnel from both companies to be the new sales team for the new company, it is important that the most talented and knowledgeable members are selected (Gibson Zellmer-Bruhn, 2006).
There are sales professionals who have histories of completing a large number of sales successfully in short periods of time with fine attention to customer service, sales documentation, and information technology.
The very best professionals who can contribute to the highest quality sales work for the new company need to be retained, while other sales personnel need to be dropped out. Although it is not easy to make decisions in regard to who will be utilized in the new company structure and who will be let go, it is essential to realize that not all sales personnel will be able to remain on board. The least successful sales associates need to be purged from the new company, so that a streamlined and professional effort in moving forward to create the best possible solutions for the future can be attained. Although some people may not be happy about losing touch will former coworkers, it is hoped that company morale will not suffer, due to the fact that the best performing individuals will be retained.
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