Personal Reflection on Critical Perspective in Global Management
I plan to expand the business into a modern outfit with branches nationwide and country offices in major world cities. E-commerce has opened up numerous opportunities for aggressive businesses with a global vision. I believe I can transform the store from a family business to a multinational company. To achieve this, I need training in all aspects of business management and guidance from acclaimed experts this is why it is imperative I join your university.
In college, I majored in business studies and economics and earned a distinction in both courses. This academic experience gave me the requisite knowledge to further my studies in business management. After reviewing my options, I settled for your esteemed institution because of the academic staffs credentials and the strong tradition of business studies.
If admitted to the course, I believe I shall enhance the learning experiences of my colleagues because of my working experience and anecdotal knowledge garnered through interacting with family members. During school holidays, I worked for the family business and had a supervisory role when my parents were away. I acquired firsthand knowledge of the crucial factors involved in managing a business and the necessary actions one should take in unique circumstances. Our staff comprised of people from different ethnic backgrounds, which meant that the management had to be sensitive to diversity issues. Handling personnel issues and maintaining harmonious relationships among the employees proved to be a challenging but fruitful exercise. I believe that with my experience, I can help promote inter racial relationships on campus and at the same time gain from the experiences of students from different nationalities.
My short-term goals are to join the family business after graduation and deputize my father until he decides to retire in four years. By that time, I would have developed a detailed expansion plan covering the next five years. When the expansion period ends, the next stage will be to consolidate the gains the company has made. I project that this will take another ten years. When the management structures are firmly in place, I hope to take a less active role in the daily operations of the firm and concentrate on philanthropic activities and mentoring the youth. At some point in my career, I would like to further my education and enroll for a doctorate in business management with the aim of teaching business studies upon completion. With my theoretical and practical knowledge, I will empower students with the necessary skills to run their own businesses in future.
As part of my academic duties, I intend to write a book detailing the reasons why businesses succeed. This book will provide important tips to those intending to invest their money in various ventures. By identifying the key aspects investors should focus on, I hope to save many people the agony of losing their money in failed ventures. This will be my legacy as a businessperson and academician.
I hope you will consider my application favorably. Together, we can develop the academic borders of business management and, ensure our nation excels in global trade by empowering investors with the knowledge they require to succeed.
I have found this course on the Critical Perspective in Global Management to be highly informative and beneficial to my education. My background is in industrial engineering and before this course, I was not aware of the many aspects involved in management. I have learned much from this course and the material covered. When first starting out within this course, I was under the impression that the majority of the information covered was about criticizing a company in negative ways. However, after a longer period of time and much reading through the module guides, I realized that the critical perspective in management is actually a very positive aspect of the position. Being able to look at a company critically allows for me to discover the companys areas of weakness. In turn, once the areas of weakness are discovered, additional information and strategic planning can be put into place to turn the company around. Looking at the company in this perspective is actually a very positive part of management.
My journey through this course was most interesting especially in the various aspects of teaching techniques used throughout the time. This course involves 3 hours of school each week during the semester. The course itself was divided between tutors Dr. Marten and Dr. Natalia. Having two different tutors really helped me understand the material as well as learn different methods and styles of teaching. It was actually these different methods of teaching that helped maintain my attention throughout the lessons as well as help me better understand the material covered. The change in styles, methods, and material covered was a great benefit to the course and I didnt feel bored during the lectures or anything. It made the learning experience much more enjoyable and went a long way in helping me retain the information learned and recall it later on for assignments and reports.
All of the course readings were covered in blackboard available through the university website. This gave me the opportunity to read the material and study up on the course subject matter before the lecture started. It was a lot easier to understand the information and I had a better idea of what was being discussed. The lecture itself was integrated with case studies, presentations, and numerous opportunities to work either on my own or with my classmates. These different aspects of the course were very helpful for me in understanding the concepts presented. The case studies especially were beneficial to my understanding and application of the lessons in every day management situations. In addition, the assessment stage of the modules was highly effective. For instance, feedback from the first report given by Dr. Marten was helpful and enabled our group to work the report and raise our mark about 12. We couldnt have done it without the information given to us in the feedback sessions.
Working in teams was critical to this course. Learning to work together was an important task and gave us many advantages in our work as well as gave us an advantage in learning to work together in a management team. Personally, working with a team gave me the support I needed to improve my skills in writing and speaking. My group also helped me learn to develop my skills in research. Working together created a great learning atmosphere and also encouraged me to push forward in my learning and take more active roles in the group. I learned to develop my individual learning skills and organize information in a way that allowed me to present my ideas to my group. We really worked on working together while at the same time learning to maintain our individual opinions, theories, and ideas.
Working in groups, however, did have some disadvantages to it. We were to work together, but there were several times when we actually worked alone. We placed a high amount of trust on individual work in hopes that it would come together as a group project in the end. If one person failed to do their part of the assignment, it looked bad on the entire group. We failed some of the presentations because the work wasnt completed by everyone in the group or it didnt come together in a concise group project. Much of the work had to be done alone in the first place because we found it very difficult to meet together as a group. Our schedules were very different. We eventually had to find little pieces of time to catch up, sit down, and arrange assignments to accomplish the work.
The course in its entirety and with its all of its different learning aspects was very informative and I gained a lot from it. I now clearly understand the importance of critically examining the theories, models, framework and roles of management. I also have a deeper understanding of the initial concept of management and leadership as well as a more rounded perception of the management of social responsibility and its importance in any organization. In addition, the course gave me a deeper understanding of the type of culture and organization culture as well as the importance of organization structure and how it can affect the company.
Summing up everything I have learned through this course, it is clear that I was most helped in obtaining the ability to reflect on the knowledge and skills developed through this module and link it with the other subjects and courses taken this semester and in future semesters. Whats most important is that this course has helped me grow in the knowledge of management which will benefit my future career at a management level.
The course was very beneficial in many areas however, there are some areas that could use some work. I would suggest a reassessment of the time spent on lectures. Perhaps increasing the time of lectures each week or decreasing the materials needed to be covered. This would provide a more even amount of work instead of an overload. Besides this area, I really enjoyed the course and would definitely suggest other students to enroll. I found it very interesting and a highly useful subject to any person in any organization. It was a great learning experience and I would like to especially thank Dr. Marten and Dr. Natalia for all support and help given to me during this course.
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