The Silicon Valley Pirates.

Possibly one of the most dynamic and lucrative relationships in history occurred between the currently technological kingpins Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. These two have redefined what it means to be businessmen in the computer industry. Imagine, in less than 30 years, a band of shaggy nerds rose to become the richest people on Earth, and it is that story that deserves telling.  These geniuses transformed not only the way we communicate, but the way we live as well.
    To begin, the movie highlights Jobs charisma, drive, and ideology, and demonstrates how these can actually form a dangerous and powerful cocktail. He eventually would push Apple designers to new heights and frenzies, sometimes to the point where they work 90-hour weeks while intensely competing with one another. However, he started small. In 1975, Jobs joined the Homebrew Computer Club where he met technical whiz Steve Wozniak who was trying to build a small computer at the time. Jobs was fascinated with the idea of such a computer, and this chance encounter led to the creation of Apple Computer Company with Wozniak. Their first business venture was gathering the 1300 needed as startup money, which they acquired by selling Jobss microbus and Wozniaks calculator.
    Despite the necessity for businesses to center around negotiation, strategy, and planning, Jobs always went on record to feeling that they were more of revolutionaries in their field, adding a distinct spiritual dimension to how he conducted his work. Jobs adventure toward success could be viewed through his unique abilities to perceive, think dynamically, and become emotionally vested in what he did. These, however, would lead Jobs into a little trouble, such as with the relationship with Arlene where his denial of being the father actually led into a negotiation on what the name of the child would be. This would ultimately lead to Arlenes request of 20,000 in support. It is important to note, however, the connection of personal and business negotiation. Throughout his career, Jobs demonstrated his expertise in business and people through his ability to motivate Apple employees, how he was able to bring in ex-CEO of Pepsi into the Apple family, and how he dealt with Xerox to get complete access to steal the mouse and graphic user interface. Jobs was a master with people, and his ability to get personal with people is what ultimately mad the difference for his business. 
    In contrast, Gates started studying at Harvard in 1973, where he spent time with high school friend Paul Allen and classmate Steve Ballmer. There, they worked on a version of programming language BASIC, what would later become the basis for the MITS Altair. Like Jobs, Gates did not go on to graduate from Harvard, instead opting to start what would become the largest computer software company on the planet, Mircrosoft. 
    Getting to this point, though, would prove an adventure. Gates and his team had to have a firm grasp on negotiation, strategy, and planning to get to where they are. A number of personal situations demonstrate those characteristics in Gates life. For example, Gates displayed just how quick and clever he was with the phone call to Ed Roberts, founder of MITS, where he pretended to be Paul Allen in order to further market his product. This negotiation ultimately ended with him going to New Mexico and the magazine in January 1975 featured on the cover the worlds first personal computer the Altair 8800. This was not the only risky move he made though. Both Gates and Allen were involved in the convoluted affair behind selling and buying licensing rights of DOS. Gates knew that other vendors would try to clone the OS, and in order to make Microsoft a major player in the industry, he knew that selling the licensing rights, and Paul Allen later buying them, would push Microsoft to become a major player. Additionally, as Gates would later relate, the Xerox Corporation held a huge role in the relationship of Gates and Jobs as well as Gates success, stating that you (Jobs) and I are both like guys who had this rich neighbor-Xerox- who left the door open all the time. And you go sneakin in to steal a TV set, only when you get there, you realize I got there first. And youre yelling Thats not fair I wanted to try and steal it first. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the success stories of our time. In just 30 years theyve become the richest people on the planet, and they did it through a clever sense of business and people, not luck. Success in the business world is built on strategy, planning, negotiation, that is true, however, for true success, you need to be able to perceive, to think dynamically, and to use your emotions as well. Both Jobs and Gates in their lives have shown an extraordinary capacity for these traits. The proof of what can be accomplished with a dream and a drive is truly all around. 


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