Recruiting and Hiring.

Recruitment and hiring in Blanchards dream means getting the right people for your team by virtue of competence and character. It is easier to drive people towards one vision and uniform goals if they have both competence and character which are basic requirements according to Blanchard. Competence pertains to the combination of experience and skills of a personnel relevant to his position. Character pertains to a persons personality attributes such as attitude and values. According to Blanchard, it is more important to prioritize character as the criteria for recruiting rather than competence. This is because character is a more inert virtue of every person and is more difficult to attain from an employers side. Competence, on the other hand, can be trained. Given that a person has adequate experience, he can be trained to enhance and customize his skills according to an employers requirements. Given that a person has no experience, but demonstrates potential skills, he can still be trained to develop competence.
Character on the other hand, is more important because according to Blanchard, people who can share and love your visions and goals will work best for your team. If you recruit people who cannot share your passion, the goals will not be achieved.
Performance Management
The best thing I learned about Customer Mania is Performance Management. In Blanchards Dream, there are three aspects of Performance  Management Performance Planning Performance Monitoring and Feedback and Performance Evaluation. Most of the traditional companies focus on Performance Evaluation, but in Blanchards system, the focus is more on the first two, Planning and Monitoring and Feedback system. In Performance Planning, the manager and employee identify, discuss and agree on the goals and objectives based on the visions andor directions. Performance Monitoring and Feedback System pertains to the day-to-day or regular assessment of the employees progress or rectification of their actions and directions if some nonconformities occur. Performance Evaluation pertains to the regular assessment of an employee on the agreed upon goals and objectives versus the actual accomplishments within a pre-determined period of time.
Developing the Right Systems and Processes
According to Blanchard, the most important aspect to implement to ensure an effective Performance Management System is a solid foundation of systems and processes. These systems are a.) Accountability b) Data and Information c) Training d) Feedback  and e) Recognition. They are the mechanisms that drive the Performance Management Systems.
Accountability is a system wherein the directions, goals and objectives of an employee are defined. This system provides him the necessary mechanism to focus. Accountability is established during the Performance Planning itself.
The second system necessary in Performance Management System is to have an accurate and efficient information management systems. Data collection and analysis is important in Performance Management. These data need to be manageable in terms of creation, recording, retrieval and retention.
The third system is training which is a must in rectifying and improving the  performance of employees who fail to meet the standards required
The fourth system, Feedback provides the evaluated employee the data and analysis necessary for him to improve himself.
The firth system, Recognition, has two aspects immediate reconition of accomplishments (on-the-spot) and recognition over a specific period of time e.g. monthly or quarterly. Recognition motivates an employee to continue his excellence or to improve so he can also get recognized.
My Specific Implementation of the Blanchard Dream
Recruiting and Hiring
I will prepare and implement a procedure for recruitment to ensure that personnel   recruited based on the following criteria a. Character (to be assessed with psychological exams which can reflect the values and attitudes of the person and also to be assessed based on character references by former colleagues and employers) b.) Competence (to be assessed based on the experience indicated on the resume and relevant practical exams.
I will design forms, databases and tools which can conveniently acquire the require data so analysis and conclusions can be accurately and efficiently derived.
Performance Management
As a Manager, from the day an employee gets hired, he shall be oriented with the companys visions, goals and directions. From there, I will present his individual contribution to the above-mentioned with this specific targets and tasks.
He shall be informed that he will be monitored regularly and he will be receiving feedback and coaching, whenever necessary. After every six months, we will sit down and conduct formal performance evaluation.
Developing the Right Systems and Processes
Accountability shall be established as soon as the newly-hired employee is oriented with his targets in accordance to the corporate visions and directions.
Data Management System
With the pre-designed forms and databases, data collected from an employees performance monitoring and evaluation can be easily created, recorded, managed and retrieved.
With the pre-designed forms and databases, data collected from an employees performance monitoring and evaluation can be easily created, recorded, managed and retrieved.
As soon as performance monitoring and or evaluation has been conducted, data analysis can be easily conducted. Then, the report can be either emailed or printed to be signed and acknowledged by both the manager and the employee.
Every month, every quarter and annually, as well, a corporate summary of employees performance evaluations can be generated using the database. Based on this summary, the recognition system will be very timely, accurate and efficient. No one will be missed at all. Recognition errors will be minimal. Recognition can be given through giving of plaques, certificates, or if the budget allows, cash can also be given.


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