Assessment of Complementary Resources in Chapter 14 of the Terms of Endearment Book in Relation to Business, NGOs and Sustainable Development
The assessment is vital since it would explore all the existing gaps that have not been filled and the possible ways in which all the stakeholders and shareholders in various organizations can participate in ensuring that the issues and goals targeted in this book are achieved. It will also help in getting the support of all relevant organs within and outside the business and NGOs arena to active participate in its successful implementation in various sectors the world over. The above will be achieved through the study of chapter fourteen of the Terms of Endearment book and other supportive sources of information that relate to the topic.
Review of the Main Content
This research paper explains in detail the relevant issues related to the terms of endearment which aims to assist in laying the groundwork for Businesses and Non Governmental Organizations. Most businesses and Non Governmental Organizations have previously gotten entangled in perpetual wars of ideologies and values. The trend has however been changing and hence many companies are now engaging with their stakeholders. This has been happening even among businesses and Non Governmental Organizations which they have traditionally had antagonistic relationships. This is in a strategy for improved social and environmental performance. Various groups have so far contributed towards this success. The chapter of my concern in the book brings out the notion of how organizations of civil society have set standards for business behavior in the twenty first century. According to Cox, Shams, Erickson Hicks (2002, pp 1-8), certain levels of confrontation with among businesses and Non Governmental Organizations should be expected in order to achieve high standards of social and environmental performance.
The findings of my research depict various existing controversies among NGOs, businesses and the possible sustainable development. The three ways of conceptualizing the growing controversies of partnership between Non Governmental Organizations and businesses portrays various challenges which need to be addressed. Moreover, this corporation has continued to divert the intended purpose of NGOs which should be of longer time horizons and of greater value orientation. In this chapter, the fact that various intentions of a dialogue need to be set prior to the beginning of a task is explained. There are a number of intentions that are targeted by dialogues that takes place among people (Manheim 2003). The dialogue intentions include manipulation, therapy, information, consultation, placation, partnership, delegation and enhancement of democracy.
Areas Where Terms of Endearment Makes a Contribution
Terms of endearment have made great contribution in the development and growth of the financial sector. Various stakeholders such as brokers, insurance companies, hedge funds and funds managers have contributed to the development of terms of endearment. Currently, the levels environmental concerns are high and increasing worldwide. The gap between awareness and the actions taken is still wide. Most leading companies are seeking to enlist their consumers in the change process hence the increasing numbers of consumers who are ever feeling guilty about their practices. Even consumption is so complex that more integrated solutions and drivers are required to address public and commercial risks of unsustainable consumption. Additionally, various contributions have been seen within the yielded good results. The level of carbon being emitted into the environment has drastically reduced. The carbon reduction, waste, water, paper use management are all efforts put in place to ensure the existence of a friendly environment and good working conditions for businesses. Targets being met and exceeded for some energy management, handset recycling, strong approach to child safety and efforts to place masts, codes of conduct, community consultation and engagement have been done (Manheim 2003)
Under the Democratic accountability, organizations which have a lot of unaccountable decision making-making power and is exercising it for its own ends then it should be more accountable to those being affected (Mother 1989). This is important in ensuring that the people who are affected by the decisions made to not feel oppressed and that they should view the activities of the company as having a greater end that is above the self interest of the company which may be to maximize profits and to fully benefit the shareholders. Business should be endeared to the needs of the consumers and the values and ethos of the society for a number of reasons. There has been a growing importance of civil society to business in a globalization economy. There are a number of reasons that would make individual companies to seek constructive relations with NGOs. Steve Waddell (2006) argues that nongovernmental organizations are able to do things that business corporations cannot. This is the reason why they make attractive partners for business. By joining forces the partnering organizations combine their resources and strength, and offer their weaknesses.
Terms of endearment has also been used in provision of services that would otherwise be very complex and costly to provide without any collaboration between various businesses. In most circumstances, NGOs decide to collaborate with various businesses in order to enjoy some of the already laid down infrastructure and network in certain areas of business (Samuel 1909 Shirley 1981). The high costs of running businesses also trigger the need for sharing of the initial costs between NGOs and various business enterprises. This helps in the overall streamlining of the business practices and ensures that consumers receive certain services and goods at an affordable cost and in the most efficient and cost effective way possible.
Evaluation of the Contributions
The major contribution arising have ensured that companies become very environmentally friendly in an attempt to benefit the consumers. Consumer participation and willingness to support the firms contribute to the betterment of the manner in which firms positively contribute to the environment in which they coexist. Corporate accountability has continued to improve due to the continued acceptance of the fact that most NGOs, businesses and other sustainable developments being initiated continues to understand the need to have various terms of endearment. The improvement is partly attributed to the continuing growth in size of corporations and their ability to choose where locate, influence government policies and escape jurisdiction where possible (Steve 2006 Camp 1989). Non-governmental organizations have even become a greater concern due to the fact that some of their activities are not easy to monitor and that they enjoy better relationship with most individuals hence the great influence they may have on the lives of the majority of people. Responsible business and sustainable enterprise is often driven by and depends on the firms stakeholders. Therefore a comprehensive understanding of processes of a firms stakeholder relations and how these can be managed for mutual advantage is important.
Non Governmental Organizations provide a methodology for linking the production and economically oriented world of trade with the social aspect of generating value to the society. This normally translates into providing linkages to low-income people and interest groups that the comparatively wealthy, expensive, and elite world of business has difficulty connecting with and understanding. However, the key terms of endearment are normally targeted at attaining a clear understanding of the areas where real power is and the major drivers of businesses, Non Governmental Organizations and the overall political process (Terje 2003). At times this kind of analysis is partially untrue. Indeed Gramscian has three sections that describe a society. These include the actual market, government sector and the civil society which is normally a simplified version with a considerably limited scope.
Relations between the Non Governmental Organizations and business enterprises varies from the very strong and antagonistic to the considerably collaborative, yet, according to David Kortens prediction ten years ago, may be viewed as a newer generation of the emerging Non Governmental Organization. The new generation of NGOs targets to build a relatively decentralize and independent initiative that targets to support a vision that is socially oriented. Part of this strategy is building links between different NGOs and addressing the more structural issues at the heart of social and environmental problems. Whereas third generation NGOs seek changes in specific policies and institutions, the fourth generation are bringing together loosely defined networks of people and organizations along national boundaries in South and North in order to change the institutions of world society. The pressure act in such ways is as a result of the natural way in which the world is lopsided. This revolves around trade, businesses and trade which have whizzed ahead while governance and accountability have fallen way behind.
NGOs have considerable resources for the task ahead. All over the world, their turnover is thought to be more than one trillion dollars. By some estimates, they provide more aid than the World Bank and employ more than 19 million people. New information and communication technology also provide many Non Governmental Organizations with greater knowledge, voice and power. Even though the majority of the worlds powerless and poor people do not have access to reliable and timely information, there has been a continuous growth in the number of Non Governmental Organizations that aims to ensure that this is achieved. The circulation of information all around the globe at the times of the political uprisings and the subsequent disappearances and murders of key campaigners added political weight to such matters. The core reason for working with Non Governmental Organizations can be understood in terms of managements building of intellectual, social and reputational capital, as well as efforts to reduce risks posed to this value creation. There are various benefits to the intellectual capital of a corporation. The skills, expertise and ideas of staff are vital to the success of companies, especially those involved in knowledge-based industries. There is need for a company to build reputational capital. The intellectual, social and reputational capital can be built up over years but lost within a very short time. Another reason for working with Non Governmental Organizations is to help in mitigating the risk that occurs. Some of the risks that may be suffered include boycotts, protests, resignations of employees, very awkward shareholders, terrible and very negative media coverage or even negative knee-jerk reactions from corporate customers and legislators which may constitute the overall fallout from a business operation.
Several theories of social benefit relate to the complementary resources. The sociology theory of social benefit allows for dialogic processes to construct value positions. Communication rationality is this considered. In political science, pluralizing those engaged in decision making is vital. Participatory democracy is encouraged and this could be achieved through the use of shared or collaborative governance which in turn inspire public mindedness. Furthermore, the use of common knowledge by use of very peaceful social relations that totally avoids conflicts is used. Civil engineering, on the other hand entails participation of all individuals through active participation in accomplishing a given mission.
Developments of Terms of Development
The development in this sector need to be improved and more effort put in ensuring that more environmentally friendly development mechanism are put in place. The Non Governmental Organizations also need to ensure that their operations enhance participation of people within the environment. Latest technologies may be used to boost these efforts. All the stakeholders in business should fully understand the business context and business strategy and drivers. Gap analysis against international standards of Corporate Responsibility and a thorough stakeholder analysis of the people who have an interest in the way business is run should be carried out. And the need for research to gain insight on the issues that are of most interest to the stakeholders in relation to the company and its brand values need to be established.
Secondly, the subsequent years are likely to see the continuing focus of various businesses on the safe use of mobiles for most families, greener innovations in products development and services offered (Camp 1989,). The future is also likely to see smarter development of new mobile applications that have a positive social and environmental impact thus being easily acceptable to the consumers. In order to achieve the endearment goals, there is need to ensure that major social and environmental risks are fully addressed, the value of the company brand is understood and possible measures to monitor the endearment levels of the company activities to the customers and the environment put in place.
Previously, a lot of concentration has been put on the public sector and its influence to the people and the efforts it make towards endearing its activities to the people (Woo, Cooper, 1982 pp.106113). However subsequent years are likely to see the focus shift to other institutions considered as part of a new accountability agenda. There would soon be the need for companies to have an obligation and the utmost willingness to accept responsibility or to account for their actions and the impact the actions have to the lives of people and the general environment. The future is also likely to see various measures to increase the surveillance and regulation of NGOs put in place.
NGOs are providing a means for creating a link between the economic and the production oriented aspects of business with the general value generating and social aspects of business practices. At one level this normally translate into provision of linkages to the low income earners and other interest groups which are relatively expensive, wealthy, and yet comprises of the elite world of business practices that connect with various understandings of the business environment. At another level this means making business aware of issues not immediately involved in production, such as the environment, poverty, inequality and social justice (Chapter 14, p.205).
Non Governmental Organizations are also a source of constant new idea which if well taken into consideration would greatly benefit small business enterprises (Richard, Marie-Nolle 1998). Both business and NGO would however need to undergo profound organizational changes if the overall target benefits to their collaboration the terms of endearment have to be achieved.
The continued NGO-business collaborative partnership encourages corporate partnership and entrepreneurial innovations that address environmental problems and result in operational efficiencies, new technologies and marketable products. Aside from offering environmental, scientific and legal expertise, the terms of endearment also provide linkages to other societal stakeholders, referred to as strategic bridges, to support NGO and business partnership initiatives with belief that consumers would ultimately benefit from the organization.
The real goals that should lead a business to be endeared need to be set out clearly and targeted at benefiting consumers. The reason for working with NGOs can best be understood in terms of a managements building of intellectual, social and reputational capital. Risks posed to this value creation would also be minimized through this concept.
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