One way that Lockheed Martin promotes integrity is through multimedia. The company has its own newspaper, that is called the Lockheed Martin Today. They also provide a video about ethics The Integrity Minute. They also have a monthly video called LM1. Besides that, they also have a website and messages from company CEO Robert J. Stevens. Because this is the 21st century, it is a very good idea to use all kinds of media to get across your message. There are some people that will still read paper newspapers and newsletters that may be put out by the company that they work for. There are others that would be interested in something more visual such as Internet or television. It is a very smart move to use something such as media that people use in their everyday life to get the attention of all of your employees.
Another way that ethics is promoted is that performance evaluation is about more than the bottom line. How the employees of the company get the job done is as important, if not more important than the job that is done. Something else that is measured through the Full Spectrum Leadership template is how an individual employee treats his fellow workers and that is something that is also taking into consideration in the final performance evaluation. Lockheed Martin is smart to go this route because if integrity is important than the analysis of an employees body of work should include how an employee treats his co-workers, superiors and customers.
Finally, Lockheed Martin has their employees sign a code of ethics upon being hired. There is also awareness training every year and business conduct compliance training. It is always good to remind your employees what your goal is and what your companies mission statement is.
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