McDonalds is a company with vision. Their goals are to remain the industry leader by, having a great menu, keeping the public informed about their products, including health information, and promote physical activity, so its customers retain a healthy lifestyle. (McDonalds, 2010) McDonalds can achieve these goals by continuing their PR campaign of friendly adds, and by expanding their menu with a healthier selection of foods. With strict planning and strategy, McDonalds will be the industry leader for decades to come.
The three characteristics of well-designed goals are they are manageable, achievable, and time-framed. Manageable goals are goals that a person has control of. For example, if a person had 100 goals, theyd have so many goals, they would have no idea where to start. This would hinder them, so they need to organize their goals by their relevance and priority. So, they would have to drop some of their goals. The second staple in a well-designed goal is it has to be achievable. If their goal were to walk on water, then they would either have to settle for walking on a frozen pond, or lower their standards, because that goal is not reasonably achievable. Lastly, a persons goal has to be time-framed. If a goal is not time-framed, then a person will not push themselves to achieve that goal. They need to be controlling of their time, and take charge. One of the best ways to control thinking is to profile a highly successful person. Profiling a highly successful person means emulating them, reading their books, and discovering their personal history. (Chow, 2010)
Reaching your goals takes planning, dedication, hard work, and a lot of vision. Sometimes, when we have hard goals to reach, we will need to throw in some short-term goals to lead us in the right direction, to help us reach those long-term ones. Reaching our goals can be the most rewarding times of our lives, while missing our goals can be very depressing. In the end, with a lot of heart, strategy, and perseverance, we can achieve the unachievable.
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