Coca Cola
In the statement issued by each and every employee, we primarily see that each job position encompasses activities which require the amalgamation and application of a variety of skills. That is why we can safely conclude that Coca Cola has essentially catered to one of the core job characteristics of skill variety. Every employee basically stated that their jobs enabled them to impact society in a global manner as well as being able to develop and nurture a wide variety of skills. For example, Tania, Information Technology General Management, said that Coca Cola structured her job in such a way so that it required her to be fluid in the sense that she was encouraged to look beyond just the basic duties of her employment position. Fundamentally, she had the space to create, develop and work on her own ideas which would be beneficial for the company as well as the society as a whole. Therefore, we can clearly see that employees at Coca Cola are advocated to develop a wide assortment of skills in order for them enhance their professional growth and expertise.
Question 2
Task identity is a core job characteristic that is inherently common with the job structure of Coca Cola in the sense that each job structure leads to different results that have various impacts upon the external as well as the internal environment. For example, Rebecca in global marketing, states that her work manifests into the creation of a broad framework which connects different people around the globe by providing brands which are an identity criterion for millions of people. These brands provide Coca Cola the unique identity that it as established throughout these years and the fact that Rebecca is able to recognize the impact that her efforts points towards the fact that the element of task identity is strong. She also affirms that her activities, coupled with the efforts of various other people, has primarily allowed Coca Cola to regain its leadership position as one of the largest and best marketing companies in the world.
Question 3
Task significance basically relates to the concept of the impact that a certain job has upon the organization itself as well as the environment as a whole. Coca Cola is a company which extends all over the globe therefore, in Coca Colas case, we can clearly see that each job position has different responsibilities and goals under its umbrella. For example, Vikram in Strategic Growth, basically states that Coca Colas products are mainly kept at small retail stores. Therefore, the margins that the retail owners receive by selling Coca Colas products basically enable them to support their families, send their children to college etc. Therefore, we can clearly see that there are tangible outcomes to the work that is accomplished at Coca Cola. If an individual like Vikram, working in something as broad as strategic growth, can connect to the fact that the work that he is doing eventually leads to the prosperity of people then that means that Coca Cola has primarily given due consideration to task identity in the structuring of its jobs.
Question 4
Job autonomy is something which is common throughout the comments of the seven employees interviewed at Coca Cola. We can clearly see that jobs are created in such a way so that each person gets a significant of freedom to innovate and run the department in his or her own way. For example, we can once again quote the example of Tania in Information Technology General Management, who said that Coca Cola encourages and provides support in the case of a person wanting to develop new ideas. Consequently, there are no creative barriers at Coca Cola because the work that they are doing is global and it requires that people be given the freedom and space to grow which is something that is common in almost every comment. For example, Tor, a sales director, states that working at Coca Cola has enhanced his need for personal and professional growth thereby motivating him to create his own career destiny.
Question 5
Getting feedback from the job itself is also a trait which is very common in the Coca Cola professional environment. The fact that Coca Cola provides products which are consumed globally and therefore have far reaching consequences means that each employee is working towards achieving something for the company and that is visible by the end results. For example, Rebecca, at global marketing, primarily worked during the period where Coca Cola regained its position as market leader and one of the most respectable companies in the world. Tania, at information technology general management, also states that at Coca Cola she works on a platform which directly connects her to people and in that way she can make a difference as well as witness the impact, all at the same time.
Question 6
The traditional approaches towards job creation essentially relate to the four core job characteristics and are designed in such a way so as to complement those characteristics. Therefore, they are extremely methodical in nature and sometimes do not give due consideration to factors that exist within the external environment. In comparison, social information processing model primarily focuses upon the work environment and considers the feedback that people provide to a particular company. In Coca Colas case, the impact of its products is worldwide and therefore it is important for the management to cater to the preferences of the consumer. Consequently, Coca Cola promulgates an environment which basically gives due consideration to what its consumers think because in order to remain market leader in beverages, it has to listen to that the consumers think. Therefore, jobs which are under scrutiny of the judgment of other people tend to lean towards more self motivation, opportunity for personal and professional growth etc.
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